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Have Money, Will Buy?

When we were younger, the lure for power were strong. At the time, a two-stroker 350cc seemed like the ultimate ride ~ a killer machine more likely. But as we get older, a wee bit wiser maybe, but with many bruised ego beneath the scars, we only begin to appreciate that power is nothing without the ability to control its potential.

I am always perplexed when I know of someone whom has very little experience with 'big bikes' but is eager to buy his/her dream machine - more often than not for the wrong reasons. There are many articles I'm sure written by experts on owning and riding big bikes. And like me, I'm certain that most would look at the various tips and techniques of riding paying particular interest on taming the curves and corners. Well, at least that was what I did when I first started out my craze with big (more sports than big...) bikes ~ at the time it was a 125cc Suzuki RG-F !!!

And when you're in your early twenties, that was way too much power to handle (at least for me at the time - and I started riding since I was in primary school!)...

These days, when I hear that a noob (whom has little years behind them with bikes) saying that he's buying a litre bike, there's always an uneasy feeling within me. The thought of somebody with so much enthusiasm (read as foolishness...) squeezing the throttle of a very powerful bike really scares me. When you're young, you're 'hot blooded'. Given power, control, sadly more often than not means controlling the roads and highways.... when it should be controlling oneself from abusing that power in the machine.

I've heard many times otais saying "the most difficult skill to attain in riding is the ability to control yourself and to be able to throttle-down when your lust and desire are telling you to throttle-up" . Sounds easy. Not! When your ego is at stake or when you have something to prove (not to yourself but to the others!) or when you need to keep up with the Jones'... its very difficult. Well, if you bear in mind always that the stake is costlier than your ego, prolly you would think and act differently. The stake is most definitely much more... its your limb or your life! How many times have we heard that a rider perished because "he's new"? Way too many.... way too many.....

You have facility to buy that dream machine? Prolly yes? But do you have what it takes to control yourself? You and only you can answer.... My take on these questions, depends. If you're "enthusiastic" and "hot-blooded', take it one step at a time. Promote yourself up at most by half of what you are used to.... no more than that. Give yourself some times to stay in that "class"... when and only when your are comfortable with another promotion then and only then should you consider upgrading.

A friend once advised me "since you're on a kapcai, upgrade to a 250 first, give yourself a year before going for the 600 then another year before a litre class. But if you feel you'll strong enuff to control & behave, skip the steps and go for yr dream machine"

Looking back, I agree with him totally. Hey! look at those motoGP riders.... they start from the lowest class and would stay for a couple seasons before getting promoted to the next level...

Have money will buy? Hmmm... buy for the right reasons!
Have Money, Will Buy? Have Money, Will Buy? Reviewed by hoshee on 6:59 PM Rating: 5

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