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Lemang Tok-ki it is !!!

If anything, experience has proved that it is not easy to schedule a get-together... what more organising a ride.  This is especially so for some of us otais.  Weekends would normally equate to  family commitments or social responsiblities.  If it is not the kid's sports day, it is a relative's or neigbour's wedding do...  etcetera... etcetera....  Something would almost always creep up our ride plan. Well, no worries... as there is still the next weekend.  :-)

The originally thought out ride on Saturday, 21st May was a no go... at least for a group ride... I however did a solo warming-up-the R1 ride looping Home-Sepang-Tanjong Sepat-Morib-Putra Heights-Home.  But that's another story altogether... :-)

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me on yet another solo saturday ride :-)

Sunday, 22nd May.   The agreed rv time was 9.00am.  I would made it if not for a last minute breakfast that my wife prepared just as I was about to leave... hehehe...  so, I was late by ten minutes in arriving at BhP Gombak.

Four buddies were already there.  As I learned, Mzac was first to arrive.  Nox was the organiser for today's ride - mainly to do the running in for his new GSA-LC.  And Idrus together with Zack complete the list of riders for today's ride.

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Mzac's golden steed...  
Sundays.... this rv place is always flocked with bikers and riders.  Good to see that the big-biking scene is not only alive but gaining popularity.  Hopefully all bikers and riders behave and be civilised so as not smear the image of bikers in general....

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the two brand-spanking-new GSA-LC
Riding the Karak Hiway is best imho with sports bike.  No, I am not going to say that I wish I had ridden the R1 today.  But I find that the bulky and heavy GSA is equally exciting on this "Karak track".  Do not want to start a debate here, so lets get back to the ride... :-)

Bentong is not that unfamiliar to me.  One of my schoolmates live there.  But in all the times I visited him, he has never mentioned let alone took me to this makan place that we will be going to today.

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Located right at the junction to Chamang Waterfall, the Lemang Tok-ki restaurant seemed to be one the favourite haunts for bikers.  I was taken aback to see so many bikes parked outside the shop as we arrived after about 40 minutes of ride from Gombak.  And inside, it was packed with mostly bikers.  Ironically, there's not a single person any of us recognised.  It goes to show that either we are not in the biker's current scene or there are just too many bikers nowadays.  It was different though when I first started into this hobby.  There were not a single time when we go for a ride that we do not meet somebody that we've met before within the biker's fraternity... well, you know what I mean....

We came for the lemang. But the queue was too long and some of us were really hungry.  So, anything was just fine... :-)

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Idrus had fried rice with all the works... :-)
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the tapai was just right... yummy
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what people are coming for...

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By around 11:00am, the crowd started to simmer.... and with the queue to the lemang became bearable, Mzac went to get what everyone came here for - the lemang tok-ki with barbecued chicken or meat, your choice. :-)

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three plates shared between the five of us... more than enough since most already had fried rice or something else...

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The chit-chat was a lot longer than the ride.. as always.  And this is the way we like it... hehehehe....

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Idrus all ready to head back... luckily he's got the GPS, used solely to navigate home... hehehehe

It was already past noontime when we moved out from the restaurant.  The sun was really shining, but it wasn't as hot as a month ago.  The ride back was a bit fast-paced when Nox led the pack.  Idris however dropped a bit behind... probably "layan blues"... hehehehe...  but everyone arrived back at Gombak in just a few minutes apart from each other.... safely.

Almost like a must when bikers do this pit stop at Gombak - the ice cream.  Zack's treat... thanks bro!

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We hanged around this final pitstop for a bit.... watching other bikers returning from their respective ride.  I'd safely say some rode to Awana or Genting, some rode Bukit Tinggi, and I know many went to the same place we did.  Lots of riders nowadays.

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After that cool ice-cream and some more chitty chatty, we bid adieu for the day.  Everyone got home safely around 2:00pm, as planned.

Good routing guys!

Oops, almost forgot about the apek selling the chestnut.  It was amongst the most rightly cooked berangan that we have bought/eaten/seen...  the chestnut was our desert as we sat and talked before heading out....

and.... this is what Mzac has to say about the ride... :-)
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Lemang Tok-ki it is !!! Lemang Tok-ki it is !!! Reviewed by hoshee on 11:30 PM Rating: 5


Unknown said...

As usual superb writing, thks a lot Hj. Sabri..Zack, next ride lemang nogori..

Unknown said...

As usual superb writing, thks a lot Hj. Sabri..Zack, next ride lemang nogori..

Unknown said...

Terasa nak gi juga. Tk tau bila.
Supep ride

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