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Umpama Orang Muda Oooo......

Life is full of memories - good, bad, pleasing, unpleasant, happy, sad, laughter, tears, etc., etc... With each new day, we may carve memorable moments if we choose... or we may just let the day slide through with only routines that will not be remembered in years to come.  Perhaps most days will be as such.  But we should try hard to have at least one day in the week that will leave a permanent mark on our timeline.   If that's too much, maybe once a week.  If that's still too frequent, once a month perhaps. Still too ambitious? Every other month then... any less frequent, probably require for to re-prioritise things... :-)

Everyone live through their own timelines, as we are recently told.  Logical.  Makes sense. I for one wished that such ideas, or rather, notion, came earlier in my timeline. It would probably have approached some things differently.  Or maybe not. Who knows. 

Anyway, the routine for us in this biking circle known currently as UOMO is weekend rides. Probably that is the constant.  The variables then would be whom would partake and where (or what food) we'll be going to.  Some are more regulars than others - riders, routes as well as destination.  And sometimes, things happen that will leave a marking in our lives.  An unforgettable memory.  And we may have one of such memory in today's ride :-)

WaqMT09 with MazliK8

As planned, we (Krambit, Zack, Mzac Acap, WaqMT09 and his friend Mazli K8 blue) met up at the RV location (RnR Dengkil Southbound around 9.00am.  After the usual greetings, we started our journey, stopping at the second RV point in Nilai town, where Razzman (+wife) and PakYeob (+wife) is waiting.

The greets were again short and swift.  Few minutes later, we were off with Razzman leading the group and Zack trailing last.  Normally Zack would lead, but not today.  Today, Zack was on his KTM and donning two GoPros on his helmet. 

The route would be the same as we did two weeks before, but this time around our destination will be slightly different, although it will also be in Kuala Pilah.

The Route, from Nilai, exit Pedas/Linggi, head to Rembau, then Johol for the twisties in between, then to Pilah

After Pedas/Linggi toll..... Acap photo-bombing Razzman (+wife)
It was raining heavily during our trip on 17th September.  Today, the weather was great.  Some of us really went for the twisties stretching from Rembau to Johol.  While others, me included, just layan blues and rode casually.. :-)

We re-grouped at the t-junction upon reaching Johol.  Almost similar as we did previously, though it was for taking shelter from the rain .  It would have been a short pitstop for today.  But as when we were mounting up to continue the journey, Razzman's GSA could not start. At first, there were weak cranks as the ignition switch was pressed.  After a few tries, there were no response at all.  Everyone chipped in to troubleshoot.  Mazli even took out his bike's battery to be used for starting/jump-start.  But, to no avail.

PakYeob assisting Mazli with the battery removal

What matters, no one gets left behind... So, we cracked our heads to figure out what was wrong.  

When jumping start (thanks to the stall owner nearby whom lent the jumper cable) was not at all successful, we decided on the last option - push starting.  Thanks to Acap on his CB500X, the process did not involve intence manual labour... hahahaha... Alhamdulillah, the bike came to life... and we were off on our way again.

I can't believe it has been two years since we came to Lomang Apak.  How time flies.  But we are here today. Sadly though, there were no lemang (again) today.  Apak was away, and no one else it seemed could do the lemang.  But there were other delicious dishes.

Pulut manis  @ wojik , albeit from the shop across the road.

Good food is not a must, but nothing compares to good company.  After all, all our rides is about getting together with friends first, then come other things... right?  :-)

I stand by that... Good company is a must. :-)

Well, it was yet another good outing... Although it was scorching hot when we were done,  it was time to head back.   Razzman arrived home safely despite his bike needed to be pushed started everytime we stopped.  Some of us regrouped at Nilai toll to take a breather from the scorching sun. We didn't stay long as some of us have other commitments later that day :-)

Acap is making a comeback :-)

OK guys, I'll leave you with the question - will you remember this ride years from now?  :-)

Ohh... before I forget, the title of this post... it came from the chit chat that we have today... when Krambit related that we (and everybody eventually) are still young at heart... and we started to match that with U.O.M.O.... Umpama Orang Muda... Ohh... :-)

This ride took place on Sunday 7th October 2018.
Umpama Orang Muda Oooo...... Umpama Orang Muda Oooo...... Reviewed by hoshee on 11:00 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

krambit said...

Friends, thank you for the company. 7th Oct 2018 will be always remembered as it was the first time i took the rembau-johol-pilah route.
You are as young as you wanna be, and i feel great. Umpama orang muda ooo

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